MUST READ: Is the Boat Still Taking On Water?

It’s the new buzzworthy term in education - "Covid Learning Loss”. And many of us speak about this in the past tense, but is it?

As I visit schools and see test results coming in from our state assessment, I’m more and more compelled to believe that we are only seeing the first phase of this wave. In his article, Mr. Goldstein makes a very strong argument that supports this theory.

While I think the article is true and sobering, I also think it is a reminder that our work as educators is just beginning and our students need us now more than ever.

Yes, I know. Everyone is tired and everyone is burned out to some degree. But we have to figure out how to reignite our passion for teaching so our students can regain their desire for learning. It’s still there in both teachers and students, we just have to find it again.

I wish I had “the” answer, but I don’t. I’m not a practicing educator, so any suggestion I have is not made from any position other than as an outside observer. What I do know is that I love teaching…like really love it and even when I step away from it for a while, it always feels so good to get back in a classroom and TEACH! As leaders, we have to find ways to re-inspire our teachers and the only way I have ever known how to support people is to ask them what they need. Have you asked your faculty what they need right now? And made an effort to respond EXACTLY to that need? If not, do that today.

Read the article and let me know what you think in the comments! I look forward to hearing from you!