Happy Summer!

Whew! We made it, y’all! Summer 2022 is here!…

Well, for most folks in the building it’s a few weeks away from the hustle and bustle and stresses of the school year. But the leadership is still in the building working away - furiously.

Summer is absolutely the busiest time of the school year for school leaders. Once the school year is closed out with grades and teachers have cleared their classrooms, the clock starts ticking. Pre-planning has to be set - speakers invited, agenda created, venue secured, copies made, food ordered, and the list goes on. The biggest state reports of the year are due mid June and end of June, then here come the summer conferences. Oh, and if you’re doing any improvements (or moving!) in your building, all of that happens during the summer, too.

I am often amazed at the amount of things school leaders get accomplished during the summer, but I’m also always a bit concerned that in getting it all done, they are leaving out time for themselves to recharge their batteries. My charge to my school leaders this summer is this: Take Some Time Off. And I mean reaaaalllll time off. Time when you are disconnected from the school and connected to the other things that are most important in your life like your family, friends, and hobbies. You are not allowed to think about goals of any type during this time, either :). For me, there’s nothing more rejuvenating than being somewhere near a natural water source like the lake or the ocean. I cannot swim at all, but there is something so relaxing and replenishing about water for me. Whatever relaxes you or puts you at ease, I am requiring you to do that this summer. Leave me a comment and let me know what you did and how it made you feel. I can’t wait to hear from you!